Booking your domain on the Internet is your first step towards establishing a web presence for your organisation. Our domain booking procedure is simple and easy to follow. We also ensure that the total control of your domain rests with you, in case you would like to make any future updates or changes for your domain.
Our online portal is ready for the domain registration and renewal, with host of other tools for your need. We have more than 100 options for the domains available for you to choose.
We have 2 options: Premium India Hosting and Economy Range USA Hosting.
Transinfo Premium India Hosting Services.
Transinfo Solutions specializes in web hosting services backed by superior redundancy, a high-quality, high-availability network infrastructure, dedicated customer service and technical support. We offer you the resources and support you need to create an effective and powerful Internet presence at competitive prices. Our premium servers are located in Mumbai, India.
We have a range to Shared Hosting packages, VPS as well as Dedicated Server packages for your requirement. Just send us an email to: with your requirement, we will be back with all details.
SuperwebsiteEconomy Range USA Hosting
Check our site for all the packages and options.